
Everything you need to know to make data your secret weapon. Fill the gaps, join the dots and see the whole picture.

Our products are built to solve your toughest business problems and help you make more profitable decisions.  Data products that deliver results.



Know who you're dealing with and who wants to hear from you with our reference files that cover the complete business universe.



We extract all filings submitted to Companies House in real-time so you don’t have to.  Getting you the insights faster than the printer can warm up.

Insolvencies & Bankruptcies

Insolvencies & Bankruptcies

Access the complete universe of insolvency and bankruptcy events, conveniently located all in one place.  



Legal events affecting businesses can occur across a wide range of sources.  Our products cross reference them all to provide everything you need to know about a company's legal position.



Listed companies issue hundreds of updates every day.  We tie all the news together into a single view and apply AI reporting to uncover actionable insights.


Public Spending

Improve the quality of your credit reference intelligence on government spending and grants provided by governments in the EU, UK and Republic of Ireland.



Combat fraud, reduce losses and uncover hidden links.   Our intelligence products detect patterns of fraudulent or unusual behaviour revealing to you the complete picture.


Know who you're dealing with and who wants to hear from you.  Our reference files cover the complete business universe giving you confidence in your customers and fuelling your growth.


Crown Dependencies
Reference File

Complete database of crown dependency business registrations that helps you avoid fraud and take stronger positions with confidence.

The monthly reference file covers the UK’s entire offshore Crown Dependencies: the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey and is available via CSV, API or change monitoring.

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.


Business Reference File

The most comprehensive and authoritative reference file of UK and Republic of Ireland trading businesses, complete with trading address, VAT status and other details.

Visit our Business Reference File page to find out more


We extract all filings submitted to Companies House in real-time so you don’t have to.

With the latest in AI and data extraction, you can have the summary on your desk while your competitors are still waiting for the printer to warm up. .


Real-Time Financials

Get Companies House accounts delivered to you in real-time as soon as they’re filed.

All data is processed and categorised into a standardised format, enabling you to consume it with ease.

Uncover early insights that inform your risk decisions and give you insight across indicators of business growth.  

Visit our Real-Time Financials page to find out more.


Real-Time Reports

Interested in quickly understanding the key insights from lengthy UK company reports specific to the indicators that you need?

Real-Time Reports is our automated analyst that delivers the custom business insights that matter the most to you.

Leverage executive summaries with prioritised recommendations to full summaries highlighting the most notable indicators.

Visit our Real-Time Reports page to find out more. 

Insolvencies & Bankruptcies

Access the complete universe of insolvency events, conveniently located all in one place.  

We extract, process and analyse dozens of sources to give you a complete view of everything across the insolvency and bankruptcy landscape.  

From early warning to risk management, it's everything you need to know.

Insolvencies & Bankruptcies


Learn which unsecured and unpaid creditors have recently incurred a financial loss as a direct result of a customer’s insolvency.

We capture data from the liquidators statement of affairs, so you don't have to giving you instant access to a database of almost 2,000,000 unsecured trade creditors.

Find the information you need with a powerful data search engine.  Then receive the data however it suits you, from a daily CSV to an API or a real time feed.

Visit our InfolinkGazette page to find out more.


Infolink Daily

Your concise, consumable daily digest that gives you quick visibility of all insolvencies and bankruptcy insights in one place.

See at a glance all the new opportunities that could shape your prospect pipeline for the day ahead.  Easily viewed on your mobile device to check the headlines on the go.

Here you'll have a one stop shop that consolidates all the Notices of Intention, Bankruptcy Petitions, Unadvertised and Advertised winding up petitions, IVAs and Bankruptcy Orders.

Visit our Infolink Daily page to find out more.



Infolink Notices

Get real time access to Gazette data, filtered and formatted according to your specifications.

Creditors will receive early warnings and be the first to learn about indicators that a company is unable to pay its debts or otherwise in danger of insolvency.  

A range of events are covered from submissions to the High Court and appointments of liquidators, to bankruptcy orders and winding-up orders made against companies.

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.


Unadvertised Winding Up Petitions

Discover unregistered and unpublished winding up petitions that are not available via the London Gazette.

Learn about the creditworthiness of businesses operating in the UK and make better decisions than competitors who rely on petitions advertised in the Gazette.

Receive weekly updates via a range of formatting options from CVS and API to change monitoring. Data is released every time a new case is heard - meaning you never miss a petition.

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.


Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA)

Uncover all UK applications for IVAs.

Get visibility of the court approved process instructing an individual to pay their creditors all or part of their debts. 

Receive monthly updates via CVS, API or change monitoring. 

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.


High Court Bankruptcy

Details of the larger bankruptcies as filed in the courts.  

Creditors can get early warning by using the only data source that identifies personal insolvency before it has actually happened.  When the petition is filed.

Receive daily updates via CVS, API or change monitoring. Data is released every time a new petition is filed.

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.


Legal Events Feed

Get access to the data competitors miss with insights from across the legal system where you can see what is happening months in advance of hearings.

You can get early visibility of adverse legal events from across the system from Health and Safety Judgements, FCA Judgements, Insolvency Hearings, SRA Tribunals, Deliberate Tax Defaulters, and Employment Tribunals.

Receive monthly updates via CSVs, API or change monitoring.

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.


Deliberate Tax Defaulters

Uncover serious adverse legal events indicating that HMRC has found an individual or company to be deliberately avoiding their tax obligations.

Get early sight of events that can often predict  company failure, especially where the fine is significant.

Receive quarterly updates via CVS, API or change monitoring. 

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.


Listed companies issue hundreds of updates every day.  These could be warnings about their future prospects or announcements on mergers and acquisitions.

We tie all the news together to give you the single view of what's going on with the added value of AI reporting for actionable insights.


UK Corporate Acquisitions

Acquisitions of public companies and public company acquisitions of both public and non-public companies. 

Bolster your credit reference checks and risk assessments with the latest insight into acquisitions.  Helping you to further uncover new opportunities for prospecting.

Receive data in the format of your choice, including bi-weekly CSVs, API or a real time data feed.

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.


UK Profit Warnings

A major predictor of insolvency, issued by a listed company which expects profits to fail to meet expectations.

Receive data in the format of your choice, including CSVs, API or a real time data feed to access the four times weekly updates.

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.

Public Spending

Improve the quality of your credit reference intelligence on government spending and grants provided by governments in the EU, UK and Republic of Ireland.


State Aid Awards

Learn which UK, EU and Republic of Ireland companies have received state assistance, including COVID loans.

Leverage credit reference insights and discover the amount of Government funding a company received and the purpose of the grant.

Receive new data each month via CSV, API or change monitoring. 

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.


To find out more

Let us know if you would like to discuss how our products can enhance decision-making within your business.

We are here to help empower you with the tools and resources you need to succeed.


Combat fraud, reduce losses and uncover hidden links.   Our intelligence products detect patterns of fraudulent or unusual behaviour revealing to you the complete picture.


Storm Warning

Know who you're doing business with.  Storm warning detects risk signals and locates suspicious behaviour in the supply chain.

Company registration fraud is rife in the UK. Reduce your risk, act faster and protect your supply chain from Mini Umbrella Company fraud today through the power of AI.

Get access to newly registered companies within minutes of data becoming available via Companies House.

Visit our Storm Warning page to find out more.


Director Link

Individuals can often register multiple Director entities at Companies House making it impossible to link Officers and PSCs across companies.

With the power of sophisticated machine learning techniques we have joined the dots so you can know exactly who you're dealing with and their associations.

Receive a complete list of individuals with linked Companies House identities.  Or leverage our Data Nexus platform to match your own customer lists.

Let us know if you would like to speak with the team to find out more.